High ambient temperatures can have a major impact on performance of commercial poultry. When they are coupled with high humidity, the combination can become critical. During exposure to hot ambient temperatures, birds face a difficult situation keeping the homeothermic body temperature.
Birds are heat stressed if they have difficulty achieving a balance between body heat production and body heat loss. Birds will try to re-establish their heat balance by consuming less feed but more water. Begin fast panting. Panting occurs because birds, unlike humans, do not have sweat glands that can cool their skin. Unfortunately, panting takes a lot of energy for birds, which generates significant quantities of body heat and raises the body temperature.
High mortality, decreased feed intake, lower thwn expected B.Wt, poor feed efficiency, reduced egg production & poor shell quality are common adverse effects of heat stress often seen in meat and egg type poultry
Management and nutrition are the critical aspects in minimising the negative effects of heat stress. Various nutritional supplements are given through feed or water to alleviate the stress process:
Management and nutrition are the critical aspects in minimising the negative effects of heat stress. Various nutritional supplements are given through feed or water to alleviate the stress process:
Vitamin C: Addition of vit C in the feed or water can reduce negative effects of heat stress .Amla Or Emblica officinalis is a natural efficacious anti-oxidant with the richest natural source of vitamin C and is more stable compared to synthetic source. In addition it provides several minerals like chromium, zinc, copper and also amino acids.
Electrolytes:The body needs a continuous supply of fluids and electrolytes. Without the key electrolytes -Sodium Na+, Potassium K+ Chloride Cl- and Bicarbonate HCO3-- it is impossible to balance the internal environment of cells. The electrolyte balance in birds is altered during heat stress due to panting. Supplementing KCl to the birds has proved beneficial in increasing feed and water consumption and water retention
Aminoacids: The ideal amino acid balance for birds seems to vary with ambient temperature to compensate reduced CP% in feed.
The magnesium (Mg) is the other required mineral for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. The Mg helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong and reduces the oxidative stress in chicks.
Acetyl Salicylic acid is a potent antipyretic dug that has been shown to reduce body temperature in heat stressed birds. It minimizes the levels of catecholamines in the blood during heat stress and reduced the negative effects of stress on Wt gain, egg production and immunity status.
FIT 5 provides five key components known to reduce heat stress in poultry to give a maximum protection and make birds FIT even in adverse condition of heat stress.
Storage: Store in cool, dry place. Protect from direct sunlight