VC 100

A Natural Vitamin C derived from AMLA

Birds are stressed due to various reasons viz summer stress, over handing, marginal deficiencies, over crowding etc. management and nutrition are the critical aspects in minimizing the negative effects of stress conditions.
Natural source of Vit C: Amla is traditionallyreputated as a powerful rejunvenating herb. The Amla fruit is reputed to have the highest content of vitamin C of any natural occurring substances in nature. Indian Research shows that 8.75 mg of natural vitamin C complex from Amla is equivalent to 100 mg of the most commonly used synthetic vitamin C
Biological Name : Emblica officinalis
Other Local Name: Indian Goosberry, Emblic myrobalan, Amla, Amalaki
Chemical Constituents: The mojor chemical of Amla are Phyllembin, Ascorbic acid( Vitamin C), Allic acid, Tannins and Pectin et.,
The sun dreid pulpy portion of fruit freed from the nuts contains: gallic acid 1.32% tannins 36.10% gum 13.75%, albumin 13.08% crude cellulose 17.08%, mineral matter 4.12% and moisture 3.83%. Amla fruit ash contains chromium 2.5ppm, zinc 4ppm, and copper 3 ppm.
Seed oil contains up to 64.8% linolenic acid.
The edible fruit tissue of Amla contains protein concentration 3-fold and ascorbic acid concentration 16-fold than those of apples. Amla juice has twenty times more vitamin c than orange juice.
Amla is a natural and efficacious anti-oxidant with the rischest natural source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C present in amla is more stable compared to synthetic sourc. Amla processes the highest level of heat and storage stable vitamin C.
Beneficial Properties: Anti oxidant property : Minimises stress induced oxidative process
Critical minerals and amino acids : Stimulate activity of immune cells.
Rising the protein levels : Better anti body response
In addition it is a proven hepato-protective and digestive stimulant
Process: Amla fruits are first washed thoroughly to remove any impurities. After washing, the Amla fruits are pulped. Pulping is followed by sun drying to reduce its moisture content. The product obtained is then grinded, sieved extracted and spray dried. After this, the dry powder obtained is packed up for storage and transportation.

Comparison between Natural Vit C and Synthetic Vit C


Amla (Natural Vit C)

Synthetic Vit C

Antioxidant Potential


Relatively lesser

Heat and oxidation stability


Least Stable


Part of tannins

Ascorbic acid / ascorbate

Co factors

Bioflavonoids & Rutin



More easily absorbed



12% more


VC 100 is natural vitamin C derived from Amla processed and extracted scientifically to provide standard specifications as below:




Brown coloured hygroscopic dry powder

Solubility in water


pH( in 1% w/v solution)


Active ingredient: Tannins


Recommended dosage:

100 g per ton of feed regularly
Summer stress : 1g/5ltr of water during peak temperature of the day