An Acidifying Agent
Vcid is the synergistic combination of organic acids having different pH and dissociation constant to check the growth of bacteria and fungi
- Lactic acid
- Formic acid
- Fumaric acid
- Calcium Propionate
- Acetic Acid
- Citric Acid
- Sodium citrate
- Essential oil
- Formic and Fumaric acids process powerful antimicrobial property.
- Citric acids acts as chelating agents to chelate excess metal ions.
- Lactic acid promotes normal intestinal balance of Lactobacillus.
- Citrates provide extended activity.
- Essential oils mask the pungent odor of acids and makes it more soothing to the gut
- Acidification of water to reduce pathogen load
- Promotes digestion and nutrient absorption.
- Promotes the normal gut microflora and enhances gut integrity
- 0.2ml/ltr for acidification of water and reduce pathogen load
- 500 ml/ton of feed as a mold inhibitor